Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Best In the history of the Hacker

Hacker ( hacker ) dilatory the disjunction - ins to check sites, Ryan Cleary, successfully captured. Attached Inilah. com Announces five hacker most iniquitous creation, here ' s five best hacker.
 Hackers obligatoriness appropriateness his abilities for pleasing and harmful. Both categories are generally hired hackers peculiar companies to appraisal the uprightness of the system. Sound subject, recorded five hackers who entered in history. The following figures.

 1. Stephen Wozniak,
 'Woz' confessed since ' the other ' Steve Jobs at Apple. He was awarded a doctorate and the National Medal of Technology from Kettering University and Nova Southeastern University. Woz besides managed to enter the Civic Inventors Entry of Fame in 2000.
 Woz alpha hacking deal makes the dismal box, a device to bypass the mechanism to forge a call phone converter unpaid gangling distance.

 2. Tim Barners - Cover.
 Hacker is famous owing to the creator of the Nature Wide Lattice ( www ), a system that we mobilization to access the site, documents and data on the internet. This chap got many tributes and most notably, the Millennium Technology Prize.
 The man who was and a student of Oxford University was original curious action the hacking operation with her mate. According to the report of the w3, Woz mythical his primeval computer with a soldering tough, TTL gates, an M6800 processor and an senescent television.

 3. Linus Torvalds.
 The boy is notable since the father of Linux, the operating system ( OS ) based on Unix. Torvalds who calls himself ' technician ' is to affirm, aspirasinya child's play, i. e. want to have fun making the OS the best he could.
 This guy has the first Commodore VIC - 20 computer, 8 - bit home computer. Later renamed Sinclair QL and Wikipedia reported, he modified the Sinclair ' extensively, his teruma on OS '.

 4. Richard Stallman.
 This man is famous for the GNU Project he made to develop a free OS. In this case, Stallman was known as the father of Free Software. Men who choose to be called ' rms ' was first doing hacking at MIT.

 5. Tsutomu Shimomura.
 Hacker is suddenly famous in a manner not agreeable, i. e. plowed Kevin Mitnick. Upon this attack, helping the FBI catch Shimomura successfully Mitnick.

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