Thursday, September 8, 2011

How to Rank Higher in Google, Yahoo, And Bing?

Google, Yahoo, And Bing?

Are you confused with how to get to the first page of Google? Will you like to use quality content to gain organic traffic? Then you are at the right place. If you want to know how to rank higher in search engines,this post has been written with you in mind.

What are search engines?
Technically, a search engine is defined as a program built to search documents based on an entered keyword or phrase. Then, it returns a list of websites related to the key phrase you input. The results are arranged in the level of their relevancy with the most relevant at the top. Google, Yahoo!, Ask, and Bing are popular search engine sites. In simpler terms, search engines provide copious information based on what you are looking for.
Why improving search engine ranking is important?

High rankings in search engines are very important for your online business or campaign. For your business to get noticed, it needs to be on the first page of Google. Ninety percent of users check the hits listed on the first page. Only five percent click through the next page for more information. The remaining five percent or less comprise those who have the patience to browse the third and succeeding pages. Learning how to rank higher on search engines is essential for getting organic traffic and increasing readership and sales. Heavy traffic means massive income.

Getting on the first page of Google and Yahoo! means competing with all other established websites for that keyword. Here are some tips to tip the readership scale on your side.

1. Choosing the right keywords
It is important to choose the right keywords because they will affect your searchability. Choose keywords that can fit easily in the content. This will make search spiders index them.

2. Increase Backlinks
Another way to gain traffic is through backlinks. It is best to get as many backlinks as you can. To get backlinks you can comment on blogs, submit articles on popular sites, and article directories. Make sure you use keyword anchor text links or post links to your website using the full URL.

3. Make correct use of meta tags
META tags are the Title, Keywords and Description tags. Use different meta tags for different pages of your site. Do not spam your title with your keywords. Learning how to rank higher is equivalent to maintaining quality and excellent content.

4. Submit your site to search engines
You can also try submitting your site to search engines for better optimization, provided you have considerable amount of traffic. This may not effect if you have low visitor rates. This will be great if you get visitors and web crawlers will easily crawl it. How to Rank Higher in Google, Yahoo, And Bing?

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