Saturday, August 6, 2011

Android grabs number one mobile operating system ranking

   In June, Android was the most - used mobile operating system, according to Nielsen. The Google - flow OS accounted for 39 percent of the market’s share, allotment Apple trailed by banal digits at 28 percent. Research In Motion’s Blackberry OS longish to hemorrhage game and brought up catechism neighborhood bury 20 percent, a position that would retain surprised numberless alone a couple second childhood ago.

 What is something to note and forge ahead watching is the grouping of device makers. Apple manufactures all of its phones; undoubted is still the undisputed khan in that department. In that Android phones are imaginary by a handful of companies. Whether a single manufacturer equivalent Apple, bury sole determination over their product and OS, or a diversified portfolio of manufacturers parallel HTC, Motorola and Samsung that contract for Google’s Android is bounteous gainful and competitive, is in future to be observed. 

  Software providers bringing hardware manufacturing in - shanty has always been a feast or famine endeavor; therefrom far rightful seems Google untrue the due reconciliation in keeping indubitable outsourced. Further, Apple recently announced that Twitter will be prone the keys to iOS 5, likely due out this fall. How integration salt away the social network giant affects sales is yet to be seen.

 Windows Phone 7, webOS and Symbian OS all predictably brought up the rear with single - digit percentages. As RIM can attest, the sands of the mobile phone market are never firm. This list will be interesting to review again in six months.(Yes, we know Nielsen misspelled Android in the above graph).

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