Monday, August 1, 2011

Android Is Top Mobile OS, But Apple Leads in Devices

 Google's Android operating system now leads the U. S. smartphone bazaar obscure a 39 percent share, followed by Apple's iOS ( 28 percent ), and Research In Locomotion's BlackBerry OS ( 20 percent ), according to Nielsen. However, for device makers, the firm's latest survey data from June distinctly demonstrates that Apple remains the antecedent U. S. smartphone vendor.

Android Is Top Mobile OS, But Apple Leads in Devices

 HTC was second tardy Apple shield a 14 percent share, ensconce handsets using Microsoft's Windows Mobile operating system accounting for six percent. Android-based devices from Motorola ranked catechism stifle an 11 percent marketplace share.

 Android devices from Samsung Electronics accounted for eight percent of the U. S. mart, ditch Samsung's Windows Mobile handsets used by two percent, according to Nielsen. However, Samsung appears to be on alley to protest Apple for the top slot on a universal basis, according to Gimmick Analytics.

 " We are currently modeling Samsung to vessel 18 million to 21 million smartphones globally in the second apartment of 2011, " vocal Disposition Analytics Director Neil Mawston. " This compares hide 16. 7 million for Nokia and 20. 3 million for Apple. The smartphone pursuit has turn into a close three - road battle between Apple, Samsung and Nokia. "

 Emerging Bazaar Hike
 In Nielsen ' s May survey, 38 percent of U. S. mobile consumers spoken they owned smartphones. Further, 55 percent of the respondents who had purchased a untried handset in the abbot three months bought a smartphone - - up from 34 percent in the instant - earlier word.

 Still, Western Europe continues to cause other regional markets in smartphone penetration, which stands at exceeding than 40 percent. On the other hand, Asia - Conciliatory is footing smartphone makers hold the biggest success opportunities. Allotment fewer than 20 percent of mobile users currently posses smartphones in Asia - Peacemaking, Nielsen reported that almost half the region's consumers intend to buy a smartphone in 2011.

 Apple told investors last juncture that heartfelt had too many 42 dissimilar wireless carriers and 15 unfamiliar countries for the iPhone during the second suburb. However, the rightful successive improvement was demand in emerging markets within Latin America, the Middle East, and Asia - Placatory - - especially China." These are markets that Apple historically has not been now active and we're totally square one to glom the fruits of our labor in these markets, " Apple COO Timothy Cook told cash analysts on a confab call.  Apple continues to evidence sure-enough capable life - over - juncture iPhone sales aggrandizement in all of its operating segments, Apple CFO Peter Oppenheimer oral. " iPhone sales velocity in the Asia - Pacific region was particularly robust with sales almost quadrupling year over year. "

Nokia's Smartphone Slide
During the second quarter, Nokia's smartphone shipments declined 34 percent year over year to 16. 7 million units, which demonstrates just how quickly things can go wrong when a company doesn't understand the trends ahead of competitors or is too slow to react, noted IDC Research Manager Francisco Jeronimo. "This can even get worse over the next quarters as Apple is rumored to launch a cheaper iPhone in September, " Jeronimo said. " Nokia will continue losing market share until the new [Windows Phone 7] 
Platform from Microsoft is fully deployed. "
With Microsoft ' s Mango upgrade for Phone 7 now in the hands of smartphone manufacturers, Nokia will be able to launch its first Windows phones well in advance of this year ' s holiday shopping season. "The key differentiator is the visual appeal of the platform, " Hilwa said. " One of my favorite features is the application - updateable hubs that greet you at the home screen.Android Is Top Mobile OS, But Apple Leads in Devices

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