Friday, August 19, 2011

Types of Poor Nutrition Vegetables

Nutrients influence vegetables, homologous owing to vitamins and minerals are needed by the body. No stupor when the vegetables are required supremacy the cheer, whether for breakfast, lunch or ball.

But you need to recognize that not all vegetables posses a immense nutritional content. You need to copy clever reputation selection a healthy eats, asset vegetables that retain bona fide low nutrient content. The following vegetables are " poor " for quoted by Self Magazine nutrients.

Celery lock up a roll of about 20 cm contains solo 6 calories, if enough nutrients alone from the celery along concrete? The answer could epitomize good enough, but you itch eat irrefutable importance amounts expanded. Celery contains calcium, vitamin C, fiber and vitamin K, which only you get when eaten in large quantities. Carrots are more advisable for your healthy menu. Low in calories but contain lots of beta carotene and vitamins. Sweet taste in carrots can add flavor to the dish variations.

Calories are contained cucumber is very low. A cup of sliced?? cucumber contains only 16 calories, other nutrients are also very low. In fact, cucumber contains only 5 % is even lower that the body needs every day of the need for potassium, magnesium, manganese, and vitamin C. Encouraged to eat more vegetables spinach, which contain iron, beta carotene and fiber is higher.

Vegetables are usually as a complement to cuisine. When eaten gives a sense of delicious and fresh sensation. But for healthy food choices, you should choose lettuce. Leaf lettuce has a higher content of beta carotene than cabbage. Beta carotene is needed for healthy eyes and skin.

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