Friday, September 7, 2012

A man in the Diamond Jewelry Exhibit Telan

Seorang Pria Telan Berlian di Pameran Perhiasan 

Colombo (AFP/BETWEEN)-a visitor to China's largest jewelry exhibition in Sri Lanka on Wednesday arrested for attempted burglary, after he swallowed a diamond valued at nearly 14,000 u.s. dollars (approximately Rp134,03 million).

32 year old Chinese man asks the owner of one exhibit booth for a closer look at the diamond on the opening day at the Facets of Sri Lanka, the annual exhibition in the capital Colombo.

"He took it out of the closet diamond ornament and seem to be testing it and suddenly put it into his mouth," said a police officer at the scene told AFP.

"The owner noticed and reported to us," he said, adding that the man was arrested and taken to hospital in Colombo to be given laxatives.

Police say that the kiosk owner that appreciates that the missing diamonds worth 1.8 million rupees (approximately Rp132,1 million).

Sri Lanka has no diamond mines but has a pearling industry and jewelry are great as well as famous for sapphire blue.(ai/pt)

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