Sunday, September 9, 2012

The US Official Set Haqqani as terrorist group

 Haqqani network is considered close to Taliban (photo: AFP)
WASHINGTON -the United States (U.S.) officially announced that the Haqqani group as terrorist groups. Group based in Pakistan that could disrupt, considered cooperation with Pakistan, while kontrateroris can interfere with peace talks in Afghanistan.

The decision was signed by U.s. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, banning all American citizens to do business with the group. The US also directly block any assets belonging to Haqqani in the land of Uncle Sam.

This command is rumored to be valid within 10 days, forward to finalising action list from the first time they Haqqani worked closely with U.S. Intelligence Agency (CIA) during the cold war, to the present.

"The US will encourage efforts of diplomacy, military and intelligence that can suppress the workings of the group. This is a form of U.S. efforts to undermine the Organization's ability to conduct attacks shut down, "said Clinton, as quoted Associated Press, Saturday (8/9/2012).

Earlier, driven from the height of attacks against important figures in Afghanistan as well as the u.s. and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the US Congress urged that Clinton gave a report on the status of Haqqani. The desire of the US Congress that ultimately determine the Haqqani as a terrorist group and should be blocked its source.

As a supporter of Taliban militant based in North Waziristan and Pakistan, Haqqani network is considered responsible for the perpetrator attacks in several parts of Kabul and some other areas in Afghanistan. The US military estimates, around 2,000 up to 4,000 troops but keeping their closeness Haqqani with Al Qaeda.

However, the Ministry of Defense said it was not believed that the Haqqani group has a plan to attack the United States. But they sure, Haqqani gave protection to Al Qaeda and other militant groups, such as the Taliban.(Exspost News)

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