Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Reveals the secret Whisper Invisible in Red Light

Red Lights (Foto: Ist)
Red Lights (Photo: Ist)
EXSPOST MOVIE -Simply a psychic got an abundance of wealth services gives solution, or cure a disease that comes from the promptings of the occult, the Paranormal makes some "fake" join the mushrooming. They usually do so by utilizing the sophistication of devious technology.

In the film director Rodrigo Cortes, paranormal phenomenon researcher Dr. Margaret Matheson (Sigourney Weaver) and Tom Buckley (Cillian Murphy) try to uncover the lies-lies the paranormal who kept lying fake society with his false ability.

Beginning with the success of Dr. Margaret Matheson and Tom Buckley, who managed to unravel the lies-lies the paranormal fake by means of researching work directly to dismantle such cases, various problems and obstacles that arise any successful they are going through.

In some scenes, the audience will understand how a blend of technology and the ability to speak one can influence other people's psychology, or commonly referred to as methods to brainwash it does in a big room. Even so, the plan to smooth it, no fake psychics do single-handedly, but their livelihood with each task.

But Dr. Margaret Matheson task and Tom Buckley began to have problems when researching the paranormal should try a man named Simon Silver, played by seasoned actor Robert De Niro. By playing his role as a blind, Simon Silver paranormal successfully anesthetized community to become famous. Various means have been made partner Dr. Margaret Matheson and Tom Buckley to examine secret Simon supernatural abilities.

After losing to argue in a talk show a television, Dr. Margaret Matheson decided terminate the investigation mission Simon supernatural abilities. But the decision could be a great debate with his partner, Tom Buckley. In the debate, Dr Margaret Matheson continued to convince Tom Buckley to steer clear of Simon Silver.

Not satisfied with that decision, eventually Tom Buckley with single-handedly doing his research. But what does Tom read by Simon, while Simon exhibited an alleged action in a theatre. Tom Buckley also reacts with the equipment. However, when Tom turn on the equipment, the atmosphere becomes chaotic, some theatre lights and loudspeakers were destroyed due to shorted. Whether it is because of the power of Simon?

Tom Buckley a shabby result events inside the theater immediately decided went to the Office of Dr. Margaret Matheson, but Tom is precisely to find Dr. Margaret Matheson dying and lying in his office room.

But in recent days the condition of Dr. Margaret Matheson can't helped to add Tom Gunning, more serious running mission investigating the ability of Simon.

Tom Buckley who is also a lecturer, eventually asking for help investigating the ability of its student Simon based on data currently undergoing testing documentation Simon supranaturalnya in a laboratory. During the menjalami investigation, Tom continued to have a strange and bizarre dreams which always overshadow his life.

Chance Tom Buckley revealing supernatural abilities, Simon came when about to do his final show, and decided to retire after 30 years of running the action. However, if the mission will succeed Tom Buckley reveals the truth Simon supernatural abilities?

From the idea of the story, the film makes a curious audience. But a bit short sighted of the process editing that looks very smooth no. But let me however, the film can provide enlightenment for viewership how think intelligently and be more conscientious in response to something.

Exspost News

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