Wednesday, September 5, 2012

NATO Forces Attack, Hundreds Of Soldiers Afghanistan Fired

Foto : Pasukan Afghanistan (IST)
Photo: Afghanistan Troops (IST)
KABUL -Afghanistan's Defense Ministry says hundreds of soldiers Afghanistan, fired or arrested by units were. The penalty was taken, after rising to an attack from the soldiers Afghanistan against coalition forces.

"Most of the troops who fired from the military does not have the full document or even false. Investigations against them have done since six months ago, "said Defence Ministry spokesman Zahir Azimi, was quoted as saying the Associated Press, Thursday (6/9/2012).

Attacks on coalition forces by foreign soldiers in Afghanistan some time was last reported to have occurred. NATO has tried to keep this incident does not happen again.

The NATO officials also ensured his side will strive mightily to prevent this kind of attack, by reducing the sense of trust between each other not coalition forces with Afghanistan's international security forces. NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said, an increase in attacks by the security forces would not alter NATO forces withdrawal plan from Afghanistan.

Previous planned withdrawal of NATO forces from Afghanistan will take place in 2014. These efforts had a chance in doubt, given the increasing attacks on NATO troops in Afghanistan.

Recorded 45 foreign coalition troops were killed in a series of incidents during the year. Most of them are troops that came from the United States (u.s.) (Exspost News)

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