Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Koh Rong, a reflection of Thailand which is still a Virgin

Koh Rong, Kamboja
Koh Rong, Cambodia (photo: cbre)
ASIASouthwest has a lot of Island Nations, such as Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines. Pulau-pulaunya, such as Phuket, Bali, and Boracay are well known world many travelers. As it turns out, there's also the Islands in this region which is not yet widely known.

Anything at all? Check out his review here, as quoted from Globalbasecamps:

Koh Rong, Cambodia

Want to see how Thailand 20 years ago, before many arriving tourists? Visit Koh Rong Island in Cambodia.

Koh Rong island is an island on the southern coast of Cambodia which is still untouched. The island, along with other islands in the vicinity of 60 had been isolated for decades. Now, even though it has to be visited for the public, Koh Rong still looks very virginal, completely untouched.

In Koh Rong there are approximately 23 beautiful white sandy beaches that you can choose. For those who want to explore the adventurous, You could go trekking path forest. Activities that are best done here, is diving and snorkeling, because its still very clear so you could see clear coral reefs and the fish are beautiful.

Due to Koh Rong is still very natural and very polusinya at a minimum, every night You can see on the shores of the beach of sparkling light that emerges from the phosphorescent plankton. To reach Koh Rong from the Cambodian Capital, Phnom Penh, you'll have to ride a bus for six hours to the village of Sihanoukville. From the village, you can cross by ferry boat for two hours. The best time to visit Koh Rong is November and March.(Exspost News)

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