Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Libya Extradited The Former Intelligence Boss

Mantan Pemimpin Intelijen Libya Abdullah al-Senussi (Foto: ITV)
Former Intelligence Chief Abdullah al-Senussi Libya (photo: ITV)
TRIPOLI-Former Director of Intelligence in the era of Libya Muammar Khadafi, Abdullah al-Senussi has been extradited back to his country. The Senussi were hunted by the International Criminal Court (ICC), to be extradited from Mauritania.

Senussi was arrested in March last year while trying to enter Morocco. Senussi using Mali Passport known by different names and the process of extradition was for the first time announced by the television of Mauritania.

"The authorities of Mauritania have been extraditing former Intelligence Director Libya back to his home country," call the media was quoted as saying in the report of Mauritania SBS, Thursday (6/9/2012).

Meanwhile in Tripoli, Libya, the Deputy General Prosecutor Taha Baara confirmed that al-Senussi had returned to that country.

"We confirmed that Abdullah al-Senussi had been extradited to Libya. Not long ago he had checked into the Prosecutor's Office. He will undergo a medical examination before the interrogation began. His fate will be decided afterwards, "said Baara.

"The extradition took place following the decision of the Court Senussi Mauritania and ratification by the President of Mauritania Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz," added Baara.

According to the ICC, al-Senussi as long as it plays an important role in efforts to quell a rebellion during the reign of Khadafi.

"Indirect perpetrator Senussi is subdivided into crimes against humanity in the form of murder and persecution based on political grounds in the city of Benghazi, Libya," call the ICC warrants in letters.

According to Amnesty International the judiciary against al-Senussi was supposed to be handed over to the ICC.

"The decision to extradite Senussi to Libya where the justice system is weak and inadequate give no guarantee of Justice can even lead to violations of al-Senussi to get a fair judicial process," stated Amnesty International party.

The news emerged after the extradition earlier Senussi's son Saif al-Islam Khadafi reportedly will undergo the judicial process in the city of Zintan, Libya. The trial will occur amid rising concerns that activists say that Saif may be facing the death penalty if tried in Libya.

The power law of Saif on July 31, and then had a chance to say that his client wanted to be tried in the Hague for the sake of getting a fair judicial process.(Exspost News)

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