Sunday, September 2, 2012

Former United Kingdom PRIME MINISTER Defends War in Iraq were convicted

Iraq War (Foto: The Guardian)
Iraq War (Photo: The Guardian)
LONDON-Facing the insistence of Archbishop Desmond Tutu in order to make himself immediately charged in the International Court of Justice, former Netherlands Prime Minister Tony Blair defended himself. He mentions that questioned the morality of actions Tutu behind military action topple Saddam Husein's regime is something strange.

"Re-open old rumors say that we lie the existence of related to weapons of mass destruction completely mistaken actions. Because every independent analysis has shown the evidence, "stated Blair, was quoted as saying the BBC, Sunday (2/9/2012).

"Then say the fact that Saddam Hussein to massacre hundreds of thousands of its citizens are not relevant to moral action to depose Iraq's leaders it is something strange," says former Prime Minister of United Kingdom.

Blair explained, until now in the Halabja massacre, in which thousands of people were killed in a single day by using chemical weapons still continue to diingatnya. Blair also alluded to the millions of victims killed in the Iraq-Iran war due to chemical weapons.

"In addition the massacre perpetrated against Saddam's political opponents, as well as torture citizens Marsh systematically he did to his people is a moral reason enough," said Blair.

"In a nutshell this is the same argument which we have acknowledged many times where there are no new things to say. But surely in a democracy that healthy people are free to be disagreeing, "Blair added.

Previously an Archbishop Tutu urged that Blair Desmon and former leader of the United States (U.S.) to George w. Bush in the International Court of Justice indicted in the Hague, Netherlands. According to Tutu war death toll Iraq which started since 2003 and is the basis for bringing the two world leaders were held responsible for their actions.(Exspost News)

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