Sunday, September 2, 2012

Iran Accused Send 100 spy to Turkey

Tentara Iraq
ISTANBUL-Intelligence agencies claim Turkey since March 2012, Iran has sent some 100 word to Turkey. This was revealed after the previous nine spies working for the intelligence of Iran successfully secured.

This Iran spy reportedly came to Turkey with disguised as journalists and Embassy staff. Next the group established contact with members of the Kurdistan Workers Party to obtain information related to military installations and refugee Syria. So as reported by the newspaper Zaman quoted and Trend, Sunday (2/9/2012).

The activities of this spy is located in a number of provinces are mainly located in the Eastern and South-Eastern Turkey.

Nine people are spies working for Iran intelligence was reportedly arrested in Igdir Province, Iran. Meanwhile, two people were reportedly residents assigned to Iran seeking information related to the opposition in Turkey were arrested in Syria a special operations.

Those arrested have been investigated for quite a while where a number of items of evidence in the form of a photo is also found. The information collected may soon be sent successfully to the Iran Intelligence Agency.

Eight citizens of Turkey who work as spies have now joined a number of citizens were detained along with Iran for the next face criminal charges.

Not only a number of citizens of Turkey who claimed to work as a spy for Iran but before dozens of citizens of Azerbaijan are known to undergo judicial process over the central demands are similar. Around 22 people it accused Azerbaijan working under orders of The Iran Revolutionary Guard.

So far Iran has yet to give confirmation relating to this case.(Exspost News)

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