Sunday, September 2, 2012

Outstanding Video, Taliban & 12 Head Frustum

Foto : Taliban & 12 kepala terpancung (AFP)
Photos: Taliban & 12 head of frustum (AFP)
ISLAMABAD -Pakistani Taliban militant Group released a video pemancungan do them against Pakistani troops, 12. Event that occurs when the Pakistani forces deploying operations to suppress the Taliban who crossed from Afghanistan.

Pakistani officials reported, roughly 15 Pakistani military personnel missing when they are running the operation against militants Taliban eradication. A few days later, the Taliban spokesman Siajud Din sends horrible video to news agency AFP.

In the video, a Taliban commander was standing with his colleagues look. The heads of the frustum is also visible near the foot of militant-militant.

"Mujahiddin of Bajaur had killed the pagan forces in Pakistan," said Taliban commander in the video, such as AFP, quoted Saturday (1/9/2012).

"Many of those who died from the bullet, as you see, 12 people among those beheaded. 12 it's head is here and a few more heads will soon emerge, "he added.

Goods belonging to the Pakistan army was disarmed by the Taliban. In the video, can be seen as a helmet, identity cards, cash, cell phone, ATM card and the troops who were killed belonged to.

The Pakistani military has yet to confirm whether the heads that appear in the video it really is the head of the band's style. The Taliban has said, one reason they do this is to pemancungan for revenge Pakistan troops are brutal.

The battle between troops and Taliban militants in Pakistan's Bajaur has killed 50 people. Bajaur is one of seven districts in the region of the Interior of Pakistan who became a hotbed of Taliban and Al Qaeda militants.(Exspost News)

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