Saturday, September 1, 2012

Ruben Onsu Had No Favorite Kisses Style

ruben onsu

Ruben Onsu (Photo: Tommy/Okezone)
PRESENTER Ruben Onsu and Wenda has now engaged. Did not take long for retired personnel that receive call Cherrybelle Ruben strained relations towards a serious.

But who would have thought, is apparently still think like Ruben Wenda when children want to kiss. This was recognised when asked about Ruben kisses her favorite style with the beloved.

"I'm driving there enggak sih, because it is still the children well," he said while talking with Okezone on Global TV Studio, Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta, Thursday, August 30, 2012.

Born August 15, 1983 the man and did not have the style Wenda Kiss favorites. The reason, it is done by only natural alone.

"Well, if mediocre kisses, lips met lips, most" lid. (Expost News)

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