Saturday, September 1, 2012

Similarities and differences Sunni-Shia

The mosque of Imam Hussein in Karbala, Iraq. Sacred place for the Shiite East-Central.
Jakarta -in the preface to the book the origins of Shia Islam, and its development is written by Allame Tabatabaei M.H., Professor of Islamic studies at George Washington University, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, United States, 79, says there are five principle religious or Usul al-Shia Islam, namely:
1. Unity, i.e. the belief in the oneness of the Divine
2. Nubuwat, prophetic
3. the life hereafter, namely Ma'ad
4. Imamate or faith, namely the existence of trust priests in lieu of prophets
5. Fair or Divine Justice.

According to Nasr, in three fundamental principles, namely Tawheed, and Nubuwat Ma'ad Sunni and Shia, to the agreement.

"Only two basic principles, namely the Imamate and justice, they are different," he said.

For Sunnis, according to Islamic studies professor who was born in Iran and the Islamic religion, as carried by the Prophet to this world, reaching the community through Sunni his companions.The famous, among others, Abu Bakr, ' Umar, ' Uthman, and Ali.

Also some more like Anas, Salman, and during the ensuing generations through the scholars and Sufis.

However, for Shia community, blessed the Quran it is up to them, especially through Ali and Bayt (translated in the book as a member of the family/household of the Prophet).

"A love that's against Ali and his descendants through Fatimah, this is what makes the lack of attention to, even a waiver other companions, in Shia Islam," said Nasr.

For most Muslims who support the Caliph rasyidun, Nasr adds, reflecting the heritage of the prophets Prophet and is a deliverable to free inquiry following generations.

"In the early Muslim community, his companions esteemed position of occupying and among them, the first four Caliphs as group standing upright stand out," said she. "through the friends of sahabatlah, the Hadith (sayings) and the sunnah of the Prophet (way of life) to the second generation of Muslims."

However for the Shiite problem focus on and emphasize the seal walayat treatise prophetic, according to Nasr, look at myself Ali and Bayt of the Prophet as the only Islamic channel of delivery of the original treatise.

"Although paradoxically, the majority of the descendants of Prophet wedded to Sunni Islam and continue to apply such until now," said Nasr.

Therefore, according to professor of Islamic studies who was born in Iran and menguasasi six of the language, although most of the libraries in the Shia and Sunni Hadith is the same, but the submission link at different stages is not the same.

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