Monday, September 3, 2012

Want to succeed at the UN, the Palestinians asked for Arab League Support

Foto : Presiden Otoritas Palestina Mahmoud Abbas (telegraph)
Photo: the President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas (the telegraph)
BETHLEHEM- Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas intends to bring the issue of its membership in the United Nations (UN) in a meeting of the Arab League. Meeting that will be held just in this week.

The representative of the Arab League began a meeting to discuss the Convention between the Minister of Foreign Affairs-138. The Palestinian Ambassador to Egypt Barakat al-Farra said that the meeting would discuss the issue of the Arab–Israeli conflict and Israel.

One issue at the meeting was the practice of the occupation of Israel in Jerusalem, Jewish settler activity, dividing walls are built Israel, Palestinian refugees, the conditions and the financial problems of the Palestinian. Abbas and Egypt's President Mohammed Mursi will soon meet on Wednesday next.

Abbas will convey new information regarding the Palestinian struggle as well as the United Nations fact-finding mission on the death of the late Yasser Arafat. The Palestinians are also still waiting for certainty as to the time of a meeting of the Arab League has not been determined. Thus, as reported , Is Monday (3/9/2012).

The Palestinian Authority failed to gain full membership in the UNITED NATIONS last year, because the Palestinians have not had the support of a majority of countries in the UN Security Council. More recently, Palestine appears to be vying for the State observer status in the General Assembly.

Observer Status is a status similar to that of the Vatican. That Status would help the Palestinians get recognition of independence from the international community. The Palestinians also can join with a number of UNITED NATIONS agencies, as well as the International Criminal Court. (Exspost News)

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