Sunday, September 2, 2012

Wuihh ... Rate This Motorbike Dirt-Powered Beast

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(Photo: Autoguide)
TOKYO -Japan's leading manufacturer of toilet on Wednesday, revealing a motorcycle powered by animal droppings. The vehicle is able to travel as far as 300 miles to the tank that contained animal dung.

Dubbed the vehicle waste energy, the world's first three-wheeled motorcycle that has a toilet seat in a seat. In addition, the paper roll which is located on the back.

Manufacturers of toilet, TOTO reveals that the vehicle will not supply the "gas". "Biogas used as fuel which is not made of human excrement. It is made from cattle feces and sewage (sewage), "said Kenji Fujita, a spokesman for the company, as reported by Emirates247, Monday (3/9/2012).

"We hope to raise awareness about green campaigns our customers through the development of environmentally friendly products. Eco-friendly products such as shower and toilet water-saving, "Frank Fujita.

Company origin Japan, make toilet equipped with a variety of features, including the seat warmers. In addition, the water jet with pressure and temperature control as well as background music. However, the plan's motorcycle reportedly will not be sold commercially. (Exspost Techno)

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