Saturday, September 1, 2012

Bahrain Was Shaken Back Anti-government Protests

Foto : Demonstrasi di Bahrain (AFP)
Photo: Demonstrations in Bahrain (AFP)
ABU DHABI -tens of thousands of citizens staged anti-Government demonstrations in Bahrain. They took photographs of the activist who was imprisoned by the Government in June.

There are no clashes happened in the City's demonstration in Manama. So far, residents still demanded that the Government of Bahrain HUMAN RIGHTS activist Nabeel Rajab frees. Thus, as reported in Reuters, Saturday (1/9/2012).

Rajab was detained two weeks ago because of a protest staged in his home country. Bahrain court convicting three years prison. Rajab

Demonstrators carried a large poster that read "Democratic Freedoms". They are organised by Al-Wefaq opposition faction that is filled by Shia residents.

Bahrain Government denounced that action and claimed the demonstrate the involvement of Iran in the incident that occurred in his country. However, the Persian Government accusations against the Country Bahrain.

In June, the Government of Bahrain enjoy Al-Wefaq as the party illegal. Since the ban was imposed, the incidence of violence increasing in rural areas. On 22 August, the demonstrators also staged clashes with police. They pelted security officers with molotov.

So far, Al-Wefaq demands Govt Bahrain held parliamentary elections and form a new Government. Residents of Shia in Bahrain is experiencing considerable economic and political marginalization is because Bahrain is ruled by the Al Khalifa family, which is Sunni devotees understand.

United States (USA) presses the Government to resolve the internal conflict Bahrain through dialogue. But it's not US pressure intensified, remember Bahrain was one of the foreign countries.

Country Uncle Sam put his military base in the city of Manama. In addition, the U.S. also puts missile defence system installation in Arab countries.(Exspost news)

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