Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Citizens Of Syria: Hezbollah

Foto : demonstrasi di Suriah (IST)
Photo: demonstrations in Syria (IST)
MAREA -Syria Citizens residing in Turkey continues its action demonstrasinya border and opposed President Bashar al Assad. They also condemned the Hezbollah group in Lebanon.

Dozens of citizens of Syria deploying the action on a city street Marea, which is currently controlled by the opposition faction. Syria's Government lost control of the region after the war that took place in April.

"Go, go Bashar. Bring the Devil's Party (Hezbollah) with you, "said citizens of Syria, was quoted as saying the AFP, Saturday (1/9/2012).

Civilians who became Syria's opposition faction sympathizers, don't like Hezbollah and Iran. Because both sides were accused of being supporters of President Assad.

In the video shown on Youtube site. Demonstrators flooded the city's opponents of Assad and staged mass rallies. However it is difficult to claim the truth due to a number of media tested was barred from entering the area.

Opposition forces also claims that Syria had quite different from the information that appears. They say that enough residents are afraid to come out of his house because of the rampant bombing.

One of the demonstrators who called Abu Hassan said he was forced to leave his home, and shut down his shop in Aleppo. Afterwards, Hassan the confusion to escape.

An internal war that took place in Syria more experienced an escalation. At a time when the opposition faction managed to shoot down a jet aircraft in Syria, President Assad claimed his troops successfully, thus breaking the power of the enemy.

Exspost News

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