Sunday, September 2, 2012

CIMB Niaga Facilitation Credit Cars Ferrari

(Foto: CIMB Niaga)
(Photo: CIMB Niaga)
JAKARTA – PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk (BNGA) in collaboration with the premium car distributor PT Citra Lasting Automotive as the Official Dealer of car brand Ferrari in an effort to provide financing facilities to luxury cars.

Per 30 June 2012, the total credit which has been channeled to the automotive sector CIMB Niaga was recorded by Rp15,47 trillion, or contributed by 40 percent to the total Consumer credit CIMB Niaga per 30 June 2012, which was recorded by Rp39,50 trillion.

Head of Consumer Lending CIMB Niaga Tony Tardjo with target market reveals, the upper-class society (high end), Ferrari enthusiasts in Indonesia will always exist, let alone supported with Indonesia economy condition situation is relatively stable. Another factor is the number of auto sales in Indonesia are increasing from year to year.

"The market in Indonesia is the Ferrari market segmented and is included into the classroom of high end one Lippo's market share," he said in his written remarks, Sunday (2/9/2012).

Tony adds, with the existence of this collaboration, CIMB Niaga will refer customers who will buy CIMB Niaga Ferrari to PT Citra Lasting Automotive. And vice versa, PT Citra Lasting customer who wants to buy a Ferrari Automobile can learn more about CIMB Niaga provides premium car vehicle financing facilities.

Meanwhile, President Director of PT Citra Lasting Automotive Irmawan Poedjoadi revealed, "CIMB Group in Support of regional level, as well as 919 Lippo office network spread across Indonesia (as of June 30, 2012), into consideration PT Citra Lasting Automotive selects CIMB Niaga as business partners," he said.

Irmawan added, because its just a bunch of segmented, then certain that could buy a Ferrari. CIMB Niaga expected that has many class customers high end, also a Ferrari in Indonesia's market share. (Expost News)

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