Sunday, September 2, 2012

To Attract Savers, Bank Debit Card Launches Pearl

Kartu Kredit. (Foto: Corbis)
Illustration. (Photo: Corbis)
JAKARTA – PT Bank Mutiara Tbk will meluncuran debit card to support intrusion of third-party funds (DPK) along the 2012 target reached Rp12,95 trillion, or grow 15,62 percent compared a year ago that amounted to Rp11,2 trillion.

Pearl Bank Director Benny Purnomo says, to achieve the targets required a number of innovations in DPK pushing performance to achieve the target bank business according to plan. A number of strategies that made this Century ex bank to hook the customer for example by launching savings products with prizes and also debit cards.

For Savings products for example, since Pearls Giveaway two months launched, this product has gained 500 new accounts with total funds of Rp40 billion at the end of July 2012. According to Benny, the high number of depositors that this passage is evidence increasingly high public confidence to the Bank business health and performance of your pearls.

"Debit card service Infrastructure is ready. To launch, still waiting for permission from Bank Indonesia, which is expected to be out in 1-2 months of this, "said Benny in the description of a press, Sunday (3/9/2012).

According to Benny, a debit card is a banking service innovations, particularly in the funding which can also encourage an increase in non interest income (fee based income) that itargetkan reach Rp120 billion.

In collaboration with the banking network operator PT Sejahtera, later pioneered the debit card can be used at the EDC machine at 170,000 70,000 merchant (restaurants, cafes, shopping centres and other) incorporated on PRIMA network/BCA.

"Looking ahead we will increase the value-added banking services by providing internet service banking and mobile banking," Benny imbuh.

From the side of lending, the Bank would encourage the channelling of pearls credit by signing in to micro segments. Until the end of 2012, the planned company will operate 10-15 micro outlet, in Jakarta, Tangerang and Bekasi. Next in 2013, the company will add 50-100 micro outlet.

"From about 52 million micro enterprises there are about 40 percent who haven't got banking services. We went in to micro segments in order to improve the distribution in order to achieve the target credit amounting to Rp11,5 Billion by the end of 2012, growing 22,35% from last year, "explained Benny.

Previously, the Pearl Bank consistently has provided financing to the sector of small and medium enterprises (SME) sector as consumption credit, ownership of the vehicles with the system through channeled chanelling multifinance company, ownership of the House/apartment (KPR/KPA) as well as credit without collateral (KTA). (Expost News)

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