Sunday, September 2, 2012

Stay at the Mosque, Dahlan Show-off Talk Mandarin Chinese

Menteri BUMN Dahlan Iskan (Foto: Koran SI)
Minister Of STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES Dahlan Iskan (Photo: The Newspaper)
JAKARTA -In his visit to Aceh, Minister for STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES Dahlan Iskan stay at the mosque had collapsed due to the tsunami which occurred last December 2004. There, the exhibition ' ability to Dahlan ' Mandarin.

"He's been in the hotel but when there is info that he awaited leadership pesantren and community leaders, he immediately rushed up the car again to get there though is late at night," said the head of The public relations and the Ministry of STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES, Faisal Precedence Halimi in a short message here on Sunday (2/9/2012).

Faisal who followed a visit to Peusijuk Aceh called Dahlan, Dahlan was finally visited the mosque which is located in district Jami'Siem Darussalam Aceh Besar around at 22.51 WIT the mosque, described him, was part of the Bustunul Ulum boarding school that when Tsunami Krueng Kalee 2004 then collapsed.

"Mr. Dahlan Finally stay at the seminary Darul Ihsan," he added.

At boarding school, was described, showing off his ability Faisal Dahlan Mandarin. This is because in pesantren there is a student who hails from Pattani, Thailand, China, South and reviewers (Mongol, Xian). This student wanted to see how Islam in everyday life in Aceh.

"In his speech Mr Dahlan had a chance to talk to them in Mandarin with very eloquently that we all don't understand at all so amazed and berdecak sysop: Prophet," says Faisal.

In his speech he referred to, that, Dahlan itself also comes from boarding school.

"But if we worked hard and it then we will succeed. Like me (Dahlan Iskan) who never expected to become CEO of enggak PLN and Minister of STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES, "he said.

According to Faisal, Dahlan also promised to maintain a trustful position properly to keep the name as the place used to be a boarding school.

As information, this morning, the former boss of Jawa Pos was invited by the Governor of Aceh breakfast before a public lecture in front of the civitas Academica of Syiah Kuala University hours 08.00. (Expost News)

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