Saturday, September 1, 2012

Deny Corruption Charges, Ex PRIME MINISTER Of Egypt Soon Home Village

Foto : Ahmed Shafiq (RIA Novosti)
Photo: Ahmed Shafiq (RIA Novosti)
CAIRO -former Prime Minister of Egypt Ahmed Shafiq rebutted corruption dilayangkan by a number of politicians in the country. Shafiq has vowed will be home to Egypt and turning the party had criticised the charges were to him.

"The Accusations against me, with motifs of dilayangkan politics. I will return to Egypt when it is at its best, "says Shafiq, was quoted as saying on Sky News Arabia, Saturday (1/9/2012).

The man who lost the presidential election of 2012 is in Egypt Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Shafiq was accused of misusing his Office while serving as Commander of the air force, Egypt by selling land belonging to the Association of Young Fighter Pilots to Husni Mubarak's son with a very low price.

Mubarak's son Alaa and Gamal, also still languishing in prison for being accused of corruption. However his father aged 84 years was jailed for life for killing hundreds of demonstrators who urged him to resign from Office.

However, aides Shafiq shook off the accusations and insisted that Shafiq was not afraid to return to his homeland. A few days a number of political factions in lalus Egypt threatened to arrest at the airport when her Shafiq up in Egypt.

At first, the alleged corruption dilayangkan by party leader Shafiq al-Wasat, Essam Sultan. However, the Sultan paid Shafiq was convinced by a faction of Islam in Egypt to become an informant. One sympathizer Shafiq also accused Muslim Brotherhood faction is planning an action to get rid of Shafiq.
(Exspost News)

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