Saturday, September 1, 2012

Us War Exercises & Israel Not According To Plan?

Foto : Latihan militer Juniper Cobra 2009 (sanfranciscosentinel)
Photo: military exercises Juniper Cobra 2009 (sanfranciscosentinel)
WASHINGTON- United States military exercises (AS) Israel will not be held in a big way, as planned earlier. The Pentagon also shook off allegations that mention the existence of misunderstanding between the u.s. and Israel.

According to a report from Time magazine, the U.S. plans to deploy its forces in exercise 5 thousand combined military carried out with Israel. Yet today, Uncle Sam is rumored to only Country preparing 1,500 personnel. A number of officials that Israel inevitably called identity claim, there is a crisis of confidence between the country and the Jewish State's Uncle Sam.

However a spokesman for the Pentagon said Israel and the United States, the relationship is very strong and War Exercises Challenge is real evidence Auster would keeratan bilateral relations on both sides of it. The U.S. itself refuses to mention the number of personnel deployed in that exercise.

"Practice of Austere Challenge-12 is the largest missile defense exercise between our country and this is the important thing," said Pentagon spokesman, Lieutenant Colonel Jack Miller, was quoted as saying Saturday, Reuters(1/9/2012).

"When these exercises are suspended, the U.S. gave Israel and U.S. newspaper to send certain military personnel in fewer numbers. Israel has also agreed to delay it, "he added.

The u.s. and Israel had planned to roll out on 12 April and Austere. But it had to be postponed because exercise Israel preparing for Iran's nuclear reactor to seangan.

Currently, the Jewish State's desire to invade Iran diminished, Israel briefly invaded the land of menuatakan delay to Persia. Therefore, AS the Austere Challenge workout schedule 12.

Military Chief of staff General Martin Dempsey Combined AS yet knowing in detail concerning the exercise of that war. However military exercises were held in October to come prepared.
(Exspost News)

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