Sunday, September 2, 2012

Four Of These Techniques Disable Tumor Cells

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Seminars tackling tumors (photo: Okezone Niken/)
DEVELOPMENT of the detection, treatment and therapy in the case of a brain tumor had a lot of progress. Four techniques that are currently present in Indonesia including Blue Ray, Rapid Arc, PET, and Gamma Knife.

The fourth treatment technique is expected to be slaah an alternative for patients brain tumor diseases, because we know that the brain tumor is very difficult to treat. Vital location became one of the causes why many patients who are not helped. With the advancement of this technology, due to a brain tumor mortality are expected to decline.

Blue Ray
This is a microscopic surgery treatment with blue ray, that technique in which the patient before surgery, was given a shot of liquid liquid will be illuminated when viewed from a microscopic lens. If the cell is a tumor, then the liquid will be under the microscope lenses colored red, and colorless if not a tumor cells. The red color is generated, indicating the increasingly ferocious tumors.

Rapid Arc
Rapid arc is a form of treatment through radiation therapy. This radiation is different from conventional radiation jaman dulu. If the first doctor will take approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour to do the radiation and made only of 2 or 4 corners just glare, resulting in healthy cells are also destroyed. Rapid arc is done then just within 4 minutes, done on the 360 so that angle right at the target tumor radiation field.

Postiron Emmision Tomography (PET)
This PET is a tool the most sophisticated detection of tumors. This tool uses nuclear technology as a treatment. PET gives a 3 dimensional picture that can detect cancer metabolic changes.

Gamma Knife
This form of radiation therapy treatment without this surgery there is a new in Indonesia. Gamma knife will cripple the tumor cells without needing to do surgery. The doctor will give the radiation at that point which is considered to have the tumor cells. This tool is very useful to paralyze a small tumor cells.
(Exspost Health)

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