Sunday, September 2, 2012

Successful Test with this food Face

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Ready to face trial (photo: Corbis)
LEADING UP to the exam, students will be working with a variety of tutoring and a lot of work on the matter. You as a parent, can help children in the face of exams by providing a good source of nutrition.

The brain certainly need good nutrition to be able to function optimally. Especially when your children will face a crucial test. By eating a healthy diet, of course, your child will be ready to face the test of any kind, such as those reported by the Health24.

Eggs are one of the foods that are good for the brain. Fospolipid content, choline, iron, and protein is the food You can optimize brain function. but don't fry with too many fatty oils.

Choose foods with vitamin C such as oranges, tomatoes, green vegetables such as peppers, guava, Brussels sprouts, etc. Vitamin C will boost your child's immune system, and helps the body absorb iron that will bring oxygen to the brain. In addition you can choose the avocado or nuts, monounsaturated fat content in it is good for your child's brain. Dark colored vegetables provide beta carotene and vitamin A is good for the eyes.

The consumption of at least 3 servings of fish a week. Omega-3 fats — his good for brain function. Try to consume the fresh fish, and don't fry with oil that contain a lot of fat. Sardines are a simple example of a good fish for consumption.

Fiber is also important to help your child get optimal nutrition. If you can't provide the meat consumption, you can choose beans, like beans. His vitamin B good for stabilizing blood sugar and vitamin anti stress. (Exspost health)

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