Monday, September 3, 2012

Nickelback singer to shame with Avril Lavigne's Fiancée

Avril dan Chad (Foto: ist)
Avril and Chad (photo: ist)
LOS ANGELES-Chad Kroeger admitted he was ashamed says it has engaged to Avril Lavigne to her parents. Chad's face instantly flushed when describing her marriage plans with a chanter "My Happy Ending".

For related, Chad has never been introduced to Avril's mother. So too with Avril yet invites parents to Chad. Funnily enough, Chad's mother is actually a big fan of music by Avril.

"You never know what your parents would say when You tell them you are going to get married. Especially with people they've never met, "said Chad was quoted as saying Showbizspy, Monday (3/9/2012).

"My mom is a huge fan of Avril. So when called and told him the news was encouraging and equally embarrassing, "he asserts. (Exspost News)

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