Saturday, September 1, 2012

Volunteers Were Expelled From Refugee Shia, Madura


Sampang -Commission For missing persons and victims of Violence (contrast) spare expulsion volunteers from the sport by the head of the social service of Sampang, manpower and transmigration, Sampang, Madura, East Java, Saturday, September 1, 2012. "Shoulda Sampang district works closely with volunteers take care of the needs of displaced Shias, not repel," said Coordinator Contrast Surabaya, Andi Irfan to Tempo.

According to Andi, since day one of Shia in exile, not much assistance given to refugees Shia Government Sampang. While needs, such as clothing, baby milk, water and other mostly donated meniral community. "The Government should not be closed," he said.

In addition to banning volunteers, Andi went on, refugees are forbidden to receive guests in the Shia in GOR. "Help for refugees also should get permission now, not previously," he said.

Action of expulsion occurred Saturday afternoon at 12.00, the head of the Social Service of labor and Transmigration Sampang Malik Amrullah asking volunteers and journalists who are in the middle of GOR out with reason mengangu refugees. A number of journalists and volunteers refused. DIN of battle ever took place. "Anyway the volunteers and journalists should not be in the points," said Malik.

Monitoring in the field, volunteers and reporters did not despite the ban. "Journalists and volunteers still inside, my interview is nothing to discourage," said Kamal, one national television journalist. / Exspost News

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