Sunday, September 2, 2012

Wrong Call Name, Bahrain Urges Iran Apologize

KTT GNB di Iran (Foto: Dawn)
GNB in Iran SUMMIT (photo: Dawn)
MANAMA- Bahrain demanded Iran apologize for incidents of said does a translator when Egypt's President Mohamed Morsi gave a speech at the SUMMIT meeting of forum MEMBERS. Official translator was wrong reportedly said to mention Syria as Bahrain.

Protest of the incident conducted by the Iran Television has been proposed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bahrain through a letter of protest against Iran's official representative in that country.

"Bahrain urged Iran's Government apologized for these actions and to take the necessary steps to correct it and ensure that similar incidents will not happen again," call Bahrain was quoted as saying in a statement the AFP, Sunday (2/9/2012).

The President in his first visit to Morsi Iran is known to criticize harsh regime of Syria that an ally of Tehran.

"The revolution in Egypt is the Arab Spring which begins in Tunisia and then occurred in Libya and Yemen. When this happens in Syria against oppressive regimes, "said Morsi in his speech that triggered a walk out by the delegation of Syria.

Bahrain said in a statement, Iran's Government television translators Note Renaming Syria with Bahrain. Even this happens repeatedly even in Arabic speech is not at all known Morsi allude to the name of Bahrain.

However in his statement did not mention the name of the Bahrain television station that made a mistake. Some known television station transmits speech Morsi, among others, IRINN and Channel One television station and a number of Governments.

Relations Tehran-Manama has experienced tensions since Iran criticized the harsh violence in Bahrain that killed one Shiite leader in protests last 2011(Exspost News)

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